During the 2024 Presidential Election in the U.S., Floridians had a chance to vote on a contentious topic. Amendment 4 aimed to limit government interference with abortion and stated that “no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” The amendment did not pass. The result was that abortion is illegal after six weeks in the state of Florida. For many people, this is a scary and confusing time, especially if you are pregnant and not ready to parent. At Florida Adoptions, we have years of expert experience in helping pregnant mothers through the process of adoption. In this article, we will discuss the best alternative to abortion after six weeks and how there is more support than you might realize available to you.
6 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Adoption
If you were considering an abortion, it’s understandable that the adoption route feels like a much harder mountain to climb. For many, the failure of Amendment 4 in Florida means that your plans have changed drastically–abortion is no longer available to you anywhere in the state. While we recognize that adoption is often a difficult process for the birthing mother, there are also many benefits to it–benefits that you may have not realized existed. Here are six things you may have not known about adoption and how it can help you make the best of a difficult situation.
- Getting the process started is easy. From the outside looking in, putting a child up for adoption can seem like a confusing process. The good news is that getting the ball rolling in Florida is pretty simple. Just pick up the phone and schedule a meeting with an adoption attorney, like Florida Adoptions. Most attorneys in this field are willing to meet you where you’re most comfortable, whether that’s at a coffee shop or even your home. No ivory pillars or judgmental looks. From there, the attorney will walk you through the process every step of the way to get you on the track to finding a loving family to adopt your child.
- Free counseling can be provided. Adoption is not an easy process for birthing mothers for many reasons. In addition, there are also often unrelated traumas and challenges many mothers face who are considering adoption. Placing a child for adoption in Florida means that you will have access to free adoption counseling. These counselors are trained specifically to help you through this process and provide emotional relief in an otherwise difficult time.
- Financial help is available. Florida law states that the adoptive parents are allowed to provide pregnancy-related financial assistance to birthing mothers. Many birthing mothers often find themselves in a tough financial situation which is also one of the primary reasons mothers choose to either abort or give up their child for adoption. Financial assistance can help ease the burden and make an otherwise challenging situation easier and smoother for the birthing mother. If you have concerns about money as a barrier to entry for adoption, speak to Florida Adoptions first to see what financial help is available to you.
- Birth mothers have a right to change their minds. That’s right. Even if you go through the entire process from start to finish, if you decide to keep your baby after birth, it’s your right to do so. Many birthing mothers fear that getting the process started means they can’t turn back. Knowing that you have the right to have a change of heart can make starting the process much easier. There are a lot of emotions that a mother can go through in a 9-month pregnancy. It’s not uncommon for her to go with a different plan after meeting her child for the first time.
- Birth mothers get to be involved. Many mothers fear being shut out from the baby’s life. The majority of adoption professionals have adoptive families sign a post adoption communication agreement. This often means that mothers can be sent photos and letters from their child and even in-person visits if time permits. Communicating with your adoptive family and establishing a relationship early on in the process can be a difference maker for your involvement in the child’s life.
- You might end up with a new extended family. This is one of those amazing things that is unique to the adoption process. Many times, birthing mothers develop a close relationship with their adoptive families. This can be a new support system both financially and emotionally for birthing mothers who either have no family or struggle with their current family. While this isn’t always a guarantee, it’s a real possibility that happens time and time again.
Final Thoughts on Amendment 4 in Florida and Adoption
We understand that reproductive rights and personal freedom is an important and emotional topic for many people in Florida and around the globe. For some, the failure of Amendment 4 was a complete disruption to their birthing plans. However, adoption offers a real, meaningful alternative to abortion. There are many families out there who struggle with fertility and are ready to give your child a loving home and a future full of happiness. Giving a child up for adoption is one of the most selfless acts of kindness a mother can make for her child. Even though it’s an undeniably hard decision, those decisions often end up being the right ones.
About Florida Adoptions
Florida Adoptions is a small, hands-on practice located in Pensacola, Florida. Our team is passionate about child-related issues and helping mothers and adoptive families through the adoption process. We specialize in all areas of adoption law, including private placement with infants and children, step-parent adoption, relative adoption, foster care adoption, and adult adoption. Our practice also encompasses representing children in the foster care system.
Get in Touch
If you are in Pensacola and need to talk through any thoughts and feelings you may be having about adoption, our team is here for you. Feel free to contact us regarding any questions or concerns you may have. Call us today at (850) 610-4166 or send us an email at stephanie@fladoptions.com.