
November 30, 2020

Birthmother Adoption Plan: What to Expect

What to Expect When You Are a Birth Mom You have taken the first big step and called me, an adoption attorney.  You are filled with all kinds of emotions – sadness for being in this situation, nervousness as to what will happen these next few months, grief for carrying a child you may not know, and curiosity as to the adoptive family that you get to pick, just to name a few.  As you begin this journey, know that […]
September 2, 2020

Families That Have Adopted – Jason and Sarah

Hi! Thank you for taking a few minutes to get to know our family! Our family began nearly ten years ago when we walked down the aisle. That day propelled us into a life filled with travel, ministry and three adorable children. We love to be active and whether we are enjoying our days at the beach, the playground, playing toys at home or running around in the backyard with our dog, fun is had. We also frequently participate in […]
August 1, 2018

Adoptive Parents: Taking the First Steps

Before you can be considered as prospective adoptive parents, you must complete a home study. A home study determines the suitability of the intended adoptive parents by assessing the various aspects of your home in regard to an adoption. A qualified Home Study Provider who is licensed in the state of Florida must complete the home study, and the study is valid for one year after the date after its completion. A child cannot be placed in a home until […]
August 1, 2018

Why It’s Important to Have an Adoption Attorney

An adoption attorney is a lawyer who assists you during the placement of a child and guides you throughout the process. Having an adoption attorney is crucial for anyone seeking to adopt because there are many steps throughout the adoption process, steps that can seem complicated and confusing at times. An adoption attorney will not only help you navigate the various steps but also help you better understand the steps as well. The state of Florida has twenty different circuits, […]
July 17, 2018

The Adoption Process for Prospective Parents

Parenting through adoption is a life-changing experience. In fact, it may be the biggest life-changing experience you will ever have. And possibly the most rewarding. Adoption provides so many benefits and unique opportunities to both change children’s lives and to enrich the life of the adoptive parent or family. By adopting a child, you are giving that child a chance to live a fuller, better life. You are in effect, giving life to a life. For all the good that […]